A collaboration between Pulse Art Fair and Twitter during Art Week Miami 2019 / Art Basel 2019. A guided tour of the fair focusing on U.S. Latinx artists followed by a brunch and conversation with creatives who actively engage with one another on Twitter, and center the creative production of people of color.
Read moreM (MIAMI) - Files →
M (MIAMI)-Files was a one-day program, welcoming Miami-based artists to meet with Pérez Art Museum Miami's curatorial team for 20-minute critiques of their work. This concept is modeled after the traditional practice of museums holding open "office hours," during which artists drop off their work. The goal for this program is to connect local Miami artists with institutional curators and to help the institution grow its working knowledge of artists practicing in the Miami area.
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a group show, curated by Naiomy Guerrero and GeoVanna Gonzalez, comprised of artists who use visual language dominant in the digital realm to engage questions of e-identity formation, and social interactions that play out in our imaginations--despite the absence of a physical presence. FEATURING: Danny Agnew, Will Fredo, Paloma Izquierdo, Pastiche Lumumba, Joiri Minaya, Kandis Williams.
Read moreReFrame Miami Beach
ReFrame was a series of events including performances and art exhibitions aimed to reimagine Memorial Day Weekend on Miami Beach for locals and visitors. New this year, ReFrame sparks crucial conversations about inclusion, surveillance, and propaganda using the works of local artists, curators, and organizers.
Read moreLatinx Art Sessions →
On January 24-25, 2019 the two-day future-focused discussion program— which connected artists, industry leaders, and the greater Miami art scene—explored the impact that Latinx art is having on the national landscape and how greater research and academic focus can drive even greater impact.
Read moreThe Gift of Art →
For the presentation of the museum’s permanent collection during our 35th anniversary year, this understanding of art is being conflated conceptually with the celebration of donations of art that have been made to the museum during the last several decades. The artworks currently on view represent outstanding examples of the works that have been gifted to the museum since it first became a collecting institution in 1994.
Read moreMaroon Poetry Festival →
Maroon Poetry Festival is a product of the hard work of members of the first cohort of the Voices: Poetry for the People workshop series, a collaboration between poet and educator Aja Monet and Community Justice Project supported by a Knight Foundation Arts Challenge grant and Dream Defenders.
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